It was necessary to use the CATTt Generator to produce a slightly different method experiment to respond to stakeholder reactions to the results of the initial method experiment. This time, the format needed to be tweaked to correspond to the specific [T]arget audience: the residents of High Springs and the Douglass Neighborhood in particular. Initial reactions from community members was that the proposed object looked like a spaceship or a mobile home more than a house. It was decided amongst the stakeholders that to be most appropriate for the Douglass Neighborhood, the results of the experimental method would need to be legible as a traditional Florida craftsman bungalow, a housing type historically popular in the Douglass Neighborhood and to which local residents still aspired. This change was easy to execute: the tail/tale or format for the initial results of the proposed method would need to be a Florida bungalow. The Spectacular Vernacular house for High Springs would also need to be slightly larger, as the future residents were likely to expect and need a 2 to 3 bedroom, 2 bath residence, and feature room design that seemed more program specific, even if variable program remained a key component in achieving comfort. In short, the [T]arget specificities led to more a more detailed tail/tale format, and the 5 points were fleshed out with stipulations and requirements to adapt the method experiment to the Douglass Neighborhood development.